Lemon Verbena Crepes with Caramelised Pineapple

For me, there’s nothing better than a delicious lemon and sugar crepe. Totally delicious and simple and for this particular recipe, I decided to put a spin on the classic flavour.

Lemon Verbena Crepes with Caramelised Pineapple - Katie Smith

Ingredients for Crepe

  • 140g plain flour

  • 2 eggs from Clarence Court

  • 200ml Oat Milk

  • 80ml water

  • 2 tbsp butter (melted)

  • 2 tbsp lemon verbena loose tea or Earl Grey if you can’t get hold of this (the Earl Grey is a lovely alternative)

  • 1 lemon (grated and then juiced)

  • 250g frozen pineapple

  • 100g Demerara sugar

  • 70ml water

Method for Crepes

  1. In a jug, pour in your milk and your water into a saucepan and stir until just warm. When warm, add in your lemon verbena and leave to the side for half an hour. Then grate your lemon into a small bowl.

  2. Whilst your lemon verbena is infusing the milk, make your caramelised pineapple. Put your pineapple, Demerara sugar and water into a saucepan and heat until the sugar and water starts to melt. Keep stirring, you may also need to use a potato masher gently on the pineapple. Stir for around 5-8 minutes until the pineapple starts to loosen up and and become syrupy then turn off the heat and leave to cool.

  3. Strain the lemon verbena from your milk by using a fine mesh sieve or muslin cloth into a bowl.

  4. Sift the flour into a bowl and make a well in the middle and place your eggs in to the middle. Pour a little of your lemon verbena infused milk into the flour/egg mix and whisk slowly before gradually pouring in the milk/water combination until it is fully combined. Then add in your grated lemon and then squeeze the grated lemon (be careful of pips) and stir the batter until smooth and leave for around 10 minutes. Then add in your melted butter, give it one last stir before cooking.

  5. Heat the pan over a medium heat using some butter and then pour in around 2-3 tbsp worth of batter if you want them quite thin, I prefer my crepes to be a tad thicker so use around 4-5tbsp of batter. Swirl it around until evenly coated. Cook for about 40 seconds per side and then flip them over for another 40 seconds.

  6. Place the pancake on to a plate and place 2 tbsp of your caramelised pineapple into the middle. Spread it around the pancake then fold in half and then fold again. Sprinkle with a bit of Demerara or granulated sugar and a dash of lemon juice and enjoy. Continue with the rest of your batter.